2019 Pilot of the Year Award

Pinnacle Aviation is proud to announce the 2019 Pilot of the Year awards to Lead Captain Mike Price and Captain Matt Forsey. Each year Pinnacle Aviation’s Director of Operations, Trevor Turcott, and Chief Pilot, Todd Pixley, get together to compare notes and select Pinnacle Aviation’s Pilot of the Year. After carefully analyzing our pilots’ flight times, trips flown, and client/employee feedback they chose the 2019 Pilots of the Year! Lead Captain Mike Price has 11,850 total flight hours. Mike joined Pinnacle Aviation in 2010 to pilot our Premier I. Captain Matt Forsey has over 4,640 total flight hours. Matt joined Pinnacle Aviation in 2010 to pilot our Premier I. Mike and Matt are exceptional pilots who receive outstanding feedback from employees and colleagues. Below is feedback we have recieved from Pinnacle Aviation clients.
“By the way—the two pilots on this recent trip went above and beyond in making sure I knew how everything worked—how to adjust the temperature, how to move the seats to different positions, asked me if I had any questions, announced ‘what we were flying over’ (i.e. we are now flying over Nebraska – or “to your right is Colorado Springs”—etc). Just a bit more ‘above and beyond’ than before.. sort of A++ while other pilots were A+, very enjoyable trip!”
“Just want to tell you how much we enjoyed the Premier plane and the pilots were fabulous. Thanks.”
“Many thanks to you for all of your great assistance, and please forward a special thanks to the crew for a job VERY well done. This client will have a couple of flights in 2016, and I will give you the first shot at them. Thanks, have a great week and happy holidays!”
Mike and Matt also have received great feedback from colleagues. On a recent trip Mike and Matt flew a fellow Pinnacle Aviation Pilot. Our Pilot contacted us to tell how impressed he was on his flight with him. Even though he was an employee of Pinnacle Aviation, Mike and Matt treated this employee as a client by loading his bags on the aircraft for him and made sure he had exceptional service on his flight home. We are so thankful for these two outstanding pilots and all they do for Pinnacle Aviation. Congratulations!